We accept donations for both the Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis.
Atlanta South Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis (ASWTE) is a registered non-profit (501c3) organization. When you make a donation online or by check, you may be issued a Tax receipt at the end of the year for your total annual donation as a potential tax deduction.
Tax receipts are issued only for those donations for which you receive nothing of value in return. For example, pilgrim and/or team fees do not qualify as tax deductible, because either you, another team member, or a pilgrim will receive room & board and insurance coverage in exchange for those fees.
Our hope is that you will also consider ASWTE in your overall budget for charitable giving.
If you have questions about making a donation to Atlanta South Walk to Emmaus or Atlanta South Chrysalis, please contact the ASWTE Treasurer. You can send a message by clicking "Contact Us" in the left-hand menu.
If you would like to send a check directly to the ASWTE Treasurer, please make your check payable to (as appropriate) "Atlanta South Walk to Emmaus" or to "Atlanta South Chrysalis," and send it to:
Atlanta South Walk to Emmaus
Attn: J. Daniel Stephens
305 Bradford Way
Peachtree City, GA 30269
You may also donate to Atlanta South Walk to Emmaus and Chrysalis during community events where we collect an offering, such as monthly Gatherings.